My Sammie girl, a Silky Terrier, has suffered from arthritis for several years which first began in her rear hips. She's been getting laser therapy and Adequin which has given her comfort for 3 weeks out of four. The last week before her next laser she gets Meloxicam every other day. Fortunately we have Healthy Paws insurance which makes the laser treatments possible and using the laser minimizes her exposure to the NSAID.
The compression sleeve arrived night before last. I put it on her left front leg which developed arthritis early this year. OMG it was a miracle. When she woke up she was happier and more like her old self. (I realize now she wasn't in pain.). On our morning walk she moved briskly along, even scampering at times. Like my old old Sammie girl. Since the arthritis began in her left law she usually holds up that paw during the day and pant at times during the day. Yesterday no panting. No holding the paw up. She also has Cushings so I wasn't sure if the Cushings was causing the pain and panting. But now I'm 99% sure it was that front paw.
Sammie will be 10 July 5th and has always been a go-go girl. When she was younger we'd walk a mile in the morning and evening on weekends. She loved her backyard where she'd chase squirrels.
In recent years it's broken my heart that going for a walk is so difficult for her now. (But she still gets excited when I say the word walk!) Your compression sleeve was a win,win,win! Yesterday she was more her old youthful self. Grins from ear to ear and quite the ham routing around on the couch and when we played.